Bookkeeping Packages

Brookside Accounting will provide our services on an hourly basis or will provide them in fixed rate packages.  Our fixed rate packages can be customized to your needs:



Our Starter Package is ideal for the businesses that have a small volume of monthly transactions and do not require bill payment or customer invoicing.  Sole Proprietorship or Solopreneur who want to focus on growing the business but don’t want to get lost in the details of tracking the financial transactions will love this support

Small Business


For the growing small business that needs assistance with bill payment and invoice creation, this is the service for you.  We help manage your weekly or semi-weekly bills and customer invoices all the while ensuring you have the proper oversight of your finances.  Our state of the art bill payment process allows you to approve bills on the run and the reporting allows you to review the financial performance for growth.



For the established business that has a high volume of transactions or requires frequent financial information, Job / Project Costing, fund reporting, budget tracking, cash flow management, or customized management reports.  We customize your quickbooks to match your reporting requirements and ensure all transactions are coded to the level of detail required to properly manage your business.  Bills are approved using a workflow bill payment process that allows multiple levels of approval.  We work with you to create a process to capture data and invoice your customers in a timely and effective manner.  Our support will allow you to run your business with confidence in the financial reporting.


– Brookside Accounting – 888-317-4835 – Indianapolis, Indiana –